Monday, April 13, 2015

Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1

Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1 is a modified, slimmed down version of the Google Apps package. The goal of these packages is to provide the smallest GApps pack possible in addition to de-bloating your custom ROM (de-bloat script offered in Add-On section). The GApps Minimal Edition only includes the absolute essentials to make everything run properly. This includes the Google Play Store, Google Play Services, and Google Contact Sync along with the necessary frameworks and libraries.

Included in GApps Minimal Edition

GoogleBackupTransport.apk (Handles backup of settings)
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk (Google Contacts Sync)
GoogleFeedback.apk (ForceClose reporting)
GoogleLoginService.apk (Google login system)
GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk (?)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk (In App purchases)
GoogleServicesFramework.apk (Provides account / login information to Google Apps)
Phonesky.apk (Google Play Store)
PrebuiltGmsCore.apk (Google Play Services)
SetupWizard.apk (Setup Wizard when you first use your phone) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libsslwrapper_jni (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk) (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)

Bloatware removal script

AudioFx.apk (AudioFX)
Apollo.apk (CyanogenMod's Apollo Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
BasicDreams.apk (Customizable screensaver)
Browser.apk (AOSP Browser) - use Google Chrome instead
Calendar.apk (AOSP Calendar) - use Google Calendar instead
Camera2.apk (AOSP Camera ) use Google Camera or CyanogenMod's Camera Next instead
CellBroadcastReciever.apk (Cell Broadcast Reciever)
CMFileManager.apk (CyanogenMod File Manager) - use Cabinet Beta instead
CMHome.apk (Google Now Search Panel for Trebuchet) - use a better launcher
CMWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Dashclock.apk (Dashclock widget for lockscreen)
DSPManager.apk (Sound Processor & Graphic Equalizer)
Eleven.apk (CyanogenMod Music Player for Android 5.0 Lollipop) - use Google Play Music instead
Email.apk (Email Sync for IMAP, POP3, Exchange accounts)
Exchange2.apk (Part of Email.apk)
Galaxy4.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
LiveWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Music.apk (AOSP Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
NoiseField.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhaseBeam.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhotoPhase.apk (Screensaver Bloat)
Phototable.apk (Screensaver bloat)
PicoTts.apk (AOSP Text-To-Speech) - use Google TTS instead
VideoEditor.apk (MovieStudio)
VisualizationWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
VoicePlus.apk (Google Voice and Hangouts integration)
WhisperPush.apk (Secure Messaging Integration)


Step 1. Copy .zip to sdcard or internal storage
Step 2. Boot into recovery
Step 3. Flash .zip
Step 4. Wipe dalvik & cache
Step 5. Reboot system

Download GApps Minimal Edition