Saturday, June 20, 2015

Different ways to Play Android games on windows XP/7/8

Different ways to Play Android games on windows XP/7/8

Using Bluestack

Bluestack is a free Android emulator and it can be installed both on Windows and MAC operating system. Installing BlueStacks is simple enough. You can download the files from Android official GOOGLE PLAY store and install apps on it. You can also install apps from other Android markets using this bluestack.

Download App Player and install. 

The first time you use BlueStacks you’ll be asked to allow App Store use, and to provide your Google Account details. Don’t worry, it’s safe to do that here. If you have two-step authentication enabled you’ll need to enter the code Google sends your trusted device when you enable the app store, and again to enable app linking.
You’ll then get an email telling you that you’ve had a new sign-in from a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, which is the specific Android device that BlueStacks emulates.


LIVE ANDROID is completely different from the above mentioned Emulators, ANDROID live is nothing but of a complete operating system which can be installed in your computer or lap top. You can install then on your virtual machines on virtual box and it will act as new operating system. You can download this from he given link below and start using it.

Download the LIVE ANDROID

Using Android SDK

This is the official emulator and this is used for by the Android app developers to test the apps instantly, even you can install any sort of apps on your windows machine using this Android SDK.

Download the Android SDK

Using Youwave

Youwave also works fine to play Android games on your PC, but this is not available for free, Youwave is a paid emulator.

Download the Youwave

Using google chrome

There’s another option: ARC Welder. It’s aimed more at developers than casual users right now and you’ll probably encounter issues with apps that haven’t been optimized for it, but hey! It’s free, and it might work. ARC Welder puts an app runtime inside Chrome on Windows, OS X and Linux, and all you need to do is install it and grab the appropriate APK file for the app or game you want to use.