5 Best Android benchmark tools
☆ Over 100,000,000 users
☆ Benchmark app used during Google I/O 2014
☆ No.1 benchmark app, used as an industry standard by
leading technology companies and hardware review sites.
With the Click and Go test suite, Antutu will
comprehensively test all aspects of a device, including UX, GPU, RAM, CPU, I/O
and more. Each item is individually assessed and given a score. These scores
can be uploaded to the Antutu database, and then used to rank your device among
all other Android devices.
Benchmark Items:
☆ User Experience (UX) –
Overall device performance with detailed scores.
☆ CPU Tests – Measures the power of the CPU, and gives hard
numbers for its actual performance.
☆ CPU Single Test-- Measures the power of CPU by running
CPU single test algorithms.
☆ RAM Tests –
Investigate the real processing capability of the RAM.
☆ GPU Tests – Measure the performance of real graphics
processing, 3D effects, games, and video playing.
☆ I/O Tests – A direct
score that reflects on the actual input/output (I/O) performance your system
The Antutu benchmark score of your device is mainly defined
by your hardware configuration, but can also be influenced by other elements,
including system mode, current device temperature, running apps and more. The
score may be vary slightly every time you test.
Mobile Benchmark
Vellamo 3.1 is designed to be an accurate, easy-to-use suite
of system-level benchmarks for devices based on Android 4.0 forward. In Vellamo
we want to enable performance enthusiasts to really understand their system,
and how it compares to other systems, and our mission has just begun.
Vellamo began as a mobile web benchmarking tool that today
has expanded to include three primary Chapters. The Browser Chapter evaluates
mobile web browser performance, the Multicore Chapter measures the synergy of
multiple CPU cores, and the Metal Chapter measures the single core CPU
subsystem performance of mobile processors.
Geekbench 3
Find out how fast your Android device is with Geekbench 3,
the popular cross-platform benchmark.
Geekbench 3 includes several new tests designed to simulate
real-world scenarios. These new tests are designed to quickly and accurately
measure mobile processor performance.
Every test included with Geekbench 3 is multi-core aware.
This allows Geekbench 3 to measure the full potential of your device's processor.
Geekbench 3 also reports performance as separate single-core and multi-core
scores, making it easier to figure out how your device will handle your apps.
Benchmark 3.0
GFXBench is a free, cross-platform and cross-API 3D graphics
benchmark that measures graphics performance, long-term performance stability,
render quality and power consumption with a single, easy-to-use application.
GFXBench 3.0 adds advanced OpenGL ES 3-features and new
special tests to the popular GFXBench 3D graphics benchmark.
New features:
Manhattan test: GPU-intensive OpenGL ES 3 test using
advanced API-features for testing the latest high-end mobile devices (Features:
multiple render target for deferred rendering, geometry instancing and
transform feedback, etc.)
Battery and Stability test: Measures the device’s battery
life and performance stability by logging frames-per-second (FPS) and expected
battery running while running sustained game-like animations (the T-Rex scene).
Render quality test: Measures the visual fidelity provided
by the device in the high-end gaming-like scene
Fully redesigned, multi-lingual, easy-to-use user interface:
device comparison within the application by downloading the complete GFXBench
database, extensive system information
Please note: The benchmark needs at least 300 MB free space
on the device.
3DMark Ice
Storm Benchmark
Benchmark your Android smartphone and tablet with 3DMark,
then compare its performance with more than 2500 other devices. You can even
compare your Android benchmark test scores with phones and tablets running iOS,
Windows and Windows RT.
3DMark - The Gamer's Benchmark
3DMark is a graphics benchmark used by millions of people,
hundreds of hardware review sites and many of the world's leading technology
companies. It's the industry standard gaming performance benchmark, a
professional-grade testing tool available to you for free.
• The world's most popular benchmark test since 1997.
• Developed by Futuremark, the benchmark experts.
• Test your device's GPU and CPU performance.
• Compare the fastest Android, iOS, Windows and Windows RT
• 100% free. No ads. No in-app purchases. No restrictions.
Accurate and impartial benchmark tests
Use 3DMark Ice Storm for device-to-device comparisons of
mainstream mobile devices. Ice Storm is an OpenGL ES 2.0 benchmark test that
uses fixed off-screen rendering at 720p then scales the output to fit the
native display resolution of your device. Ice Storm includes two graphics tests
designed to stress the GPU performance of your device and a physics test to
stress its CPU performance.
Use 3DMark Ice Storm Extreme for device-to-device
comparisons of high performance mobile devices. Ice Storm Extreme raises the
off-screen rendering resolution to 1080p and uses higher quality textures and
post-processing effects in the graphics tests to create a more demanding load
for the latest smartphones and tablets.
Use 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited for chip-to-chip comparisons
of the hardware inside your device without vertical sync, display resolution
scaling and other operating system factors affecting the result. In Unlimited
mode the rendering engine uses a fixed time step between frames and renders
exactly the same frames in every run on every device. The frames are rendered
in 720p resolution "offscreen" while the display is updated with
small frame thumbnails every 100 frames to show progress.